Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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anything there where you can have somebody else pop on out of the vehicles topic
gives a little bit more protection. I mean trying to roll down the side window makes you
a little bit more vulnerable than it does coming out of the the sunroof, but it does kind of
act as a turret kind of opening if you will where somebody might be able to pop.
On out and be able to fire at somebody or provide some sort of cover cover. There are
perhaps some number four is to camouflage your car. Now what I mean by this is
really kind of to one of its more of stuff that you you would take off of your vehicle. And
you want to remove any of what I call like these Target stickers these bowls I stickers.
So if you have like Trump 2020 Trump Pence if you if you know that like a lot of these
protests are
Going to be either race-related or they are going to be left versus right antifa versus
whatever right anything that is going to identify you as the enemy I put in quotes then
you're going to make yourself a Target even if somebody can't see in the vehicle. Even
if it's not a protest or human barricade or anything like that, you might just it might just
be a few people that just see that you have a pro-police banner or a bumper sticker.
Her on your window somewhere there. It might just you know accompanied by your
Trump sticker or if you have any sort of firearm stickers anything that is kind of more
relevant to what conservatives or people who consider themselves Patriots or
protectors that you might have on there anything that's going to identify you as that
role. You absolutely do put a bull's-eye on you now, I get it those people that are out
there that say well Joe if I'm not going to you know, you're not going I'm going to stand
up for what I believe in and I'm going to you
Go ahead. Go ahead and do that if you want to I mean, I'm just getting I'm just telling
you for me. I'm not looking for any trouble. I don't want to be in somebody's crosshairs.
I don't want to bet on my skills my prep work my gun or anything when it comes to a
mob that is a losing proposition. So I am not going to make myself a Target by putting
anything that could maybe identify myself as the quote unquote enemy of other people
that are out there. I don't want to even if it is somebody that follows us home and
decides to make an example.
Ample of us I don't I just don't watch what I do that you do. What you do you I'm gonna
do me. All right. Now one thing you can add to your vehicle on the inside is a baby on
board sign. So this is something that I think is super useful because people are going
to maybe they don't like you but maybe they are not going to want to have anybody
hurt. That is a baby might get a little bit more of the sympathy vote there. Now this
goes even for road rage.