Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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serious disadvantage and risk if you're out traveling around in your vehicle and you
come across the threat now, I'm reminded of a story that I told a few weeks ago and
Number 242 we're in July of last year. There was a young mother Charmaine Turner
who was with her eight-year-old daughter cell Korea and a family friend out driving
around. They had just gotten done eating dinner and they turned off of an Atlanta
interstate and they were stopped by an armed mob of protesters. They had created
kind of this human barricade that after the fatal shooting of Richard Brooks by an
Atlanta police officer there now,
The protesters ended up opening fire on the vehicle and it the guy that was driving
tried to get past the barricade the eight year old girl was shot and killed in the back
seat and the driver tried to escape out of the area in the vehicle and there were still
people that were firing after the car as he tried to escape. So let me tell you I take my
in my family security very seriously when we're traveling out because I know how
vulnerable we are in our vehicles. I know.
From my work in executive protection. I know from time on the battlefield that there's
always this threat of a carjacking or an ambush or even just random shots being fired
at you, especially during times of civil unrest and social chaos that's out there. So what
I thought I'd do is take a couple of Pros podcast episodes here to really kind of give
you some simple things that you can do to be better prepared for any attack when
you're in your vehicle whether that is a carjacking or even a
No warning flashmob barricade and vehicles chasing after you and I've had these
things happen. So I wanted to actually do this in a three-part series and I'm going to
take I'm going to talk about in this first episode the prep work that you can do right now
in your vehicle to be better prepared for a mobile attack. And then the second episode
I'm going to share with you kind of the gear gadgets and gizmos version of what you
can do to really kind of almost like James Bond your car.
Not from a fantasy standpoint. I'm talking about very real things that you can do that.
I've I've actually been in a vehicle and had had some of these things happen that you
really can use to be able to kind of for escape and evasion and the final episode. We'll
talk about actual escape and evasion driving tactics that anybody can do as well. So
let's go ahead and get started here because I have 10 prep steps that you can take
right now to help Riot proof your vehicle and I always start
Prep work because not only can you make yourself less of a target with the work that
you do right now, but an actual attack, there are things that will automatically help you
without you even having to think about it. So you're not going to have to put the mental