Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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energy. Your mental energy should be escaping the area and getting out alive. You
don't want to be focused in on on other things any more than you have to it's the same
as if you carry a gun for, you know, a concealed weapon for personal defense.
So if you already have a weapon like the weapon that I carry it's a Glock it has an
integrated safety don't have a manual safety on it and I keep a round in the chamber
so I don't have to worry when I draw my weapon to be able to defend myself,
especially if it's a no warning Ambush. I know I don't have to rack the slide to put a
round in the chamber and I don't have to remember to take the to take the safety off to
be able to make it go bang. So those are just some examples of things. I don't have to
think about those things I can focus in on
The threat and the actions that I'm going to take. Well the same thing goes when it
comes to your vehicle. So I think these prep the prep steps that I talked about here
these 10 prep steps are very very important and there are simple things that you can
do. Now. You don't have to all of these things some of these are a little bit more
advanced. I'm not I don't feel like I personally go into the fantasy Zone here because
again, I've been in situations where these things have come in handy or will definitely
you know, absolutely Common Sense wise can come in handy for you.
Right. So step number one. We're going to start with the exterior of your vehicle. And
that is to install run-flat tires. Now. This is something relatively standard when it comes
to executive protection vehicles. And any sort of like military contractors are out there
you like, you know, people are going to try and just either puncture your tires with
knives or shoot at your tires be able to stop you. And if you're stopping your vehicle,
you're either you're going to get a mob surrounding.
Or if you try to get away, if you've ever seen enough of the cops shows caught on
camera these people trying to escape with their with their tires and there's sparks flying
out because they're riding on the rims. They have flat tires and you definitely you're
going to be able to get out of the area much much better much easier much faster. If
you have run flat tires, and you might be surprised. They're really not that expensive
not that much more expensive than other tires. You can get these for virtually almost
any vehicle that's out there.
The vehicle that I use for urban driving my Mini Cooper, no snickering, although
grandkids call it the clown car. No, there is no ice cream truck music playing when I
opened my doors. I love my Mini Cooper for urban driving. I've talked about it before
very very easy to handle I can I can I can really get a good handling out of it, but it
comes standard with run-flat tires and I always make sure that when I changed my
when I change out the tires, I did I do get run-flat tyres for