Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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to see where the car is going and not be worried about what's behind you when you're
driving. So again, this is Advanced, but it is something that you can do.
Okay prep. Step number eight is to make sure that you always have your gas tank at
least 1/4 to 1/3 full at all times. Now, I know people say never let your vehicle go below
a half tank. I've personally found this to be very hard thing to do. I think it's one of those
things that out there most people talk about doing but really don't but you definitely
don't want to let your car keep going down to empty you want to at least have a quarter
of a tank to a third of tank in there. And one thing this is going to do is avoid you having
to find a gas station in
Known areas, so it could be a situation like the Turner's and Atlanta where they pull off
the highway and they pull into park and you might be in an unknown area. Now. This
happened to me when we were when I was young and we were traveling in Florida and
my stepfather didn't realize it but we were running out of gas on the highway we had to
pull off. We really just barely just made it off of the highway, but when we did pull off
we were in a very very sketchy area. This was not an
Area you would want you with this is an error. You would want to travel through as
quickly as possible. And unfortunately, we ran out of gas and he had to get out and go
find gas and leave his wife and the kids us back in the vehicle with our doors locked
and Afraid. So you don't want to have to be have to come off of or you know, go find a
gas station somewhere in an unknown area. You also don't know how long you're
going to be chased if you are an
Escape and evasion type scenario now when I lived in New Mexico, it was a very
gang-related area. We had a lot of problems out there and I did have one dangerous
vehicle incident that went on for about 15 miles in the middle of nowhere because
we're talking about like High Desert here and it went on for a long time. It went about I
would say about 15 miles or so. I didn't check the the odometer but it went on until the
police caught up with us and were able to stop the other driver, but there was no help
around me whatsoever. It was just me and this other driver.
/ out in the middle of nowhere. Okay and was very dangerous area. Now. I never know
how long that was going to go on and what would happen if I actually ran out of gas out
there? Okay. Alright, so prep step number nine is to have a phone holder in your
vehicle with Bluetooth connection to be able to go hands-free inside of your vehicle as
well. Now the phone holder is going to help you especially if you have a GPS on your
vehicle or I mean if you don't have one like in your vehicle, which is