Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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Survival driving for the everyday Warrior. Let's talk tactics.
Hey, they're Warriors. What's up? It is Jeff Anderson from Warrior life.com and
welcome to podcast episode number 344. Now one of the roles that I see us having
that Warrior life.com is really kind of to keep you up to date on any current threats that
might be looming out there. And right now my Spidey senses have been tingling over
this Minnesota murder trial of Officer Derek Chauvin after the the in custody Death of
George Floyd where this trial is just
Way now that we've gotten through the jury selection. We were getting ready to go into
opening comments. And this thing is going to be very very testy. It's going to be not
sure how long it's going to actually go on. We I know we've got lots of witnesses that
are being called up here. And if you remember even just after the shooting itself of the
the shooting of George Floyd that sparked his death sparked months a couple of
months of violent protests and riots.
It's and looting and burning of buildings and we don't know which way this trial is going
to go but one thing we can expect if Chauvin does get an innocent verdict. We know
that there is going to be a violent outcry we know this is going to happen. Now. If you
live in the area of the trial, it's a pretty safe bet that you either want to get out of Dodge
or you of course don't want to be out roaming the streets but especially with an
innocent verdict. I would expect that. There's probably going to be a Resurgence of
protests and violent.
It's in other areas of the country as well. Now one of the problems of these types of
protest is that they can spring up absolutely anywhere and they can happen without
notice because there are often times these underground communication links either on
social media or even offline through like local activist groups. It can even really just be
a bunch of kind of local pissed off citizens who just decided to go out and raise some
hell especially if there's any other protests are going on in the area and those people
realize that police are going to be
just all around city hall and the police department's to keep the Centre of government
protected which leaves people like you and me with the sole responsibility of protecting
ourselves and those that we love now defending yourself and your family at home is
one thing but with the potential of this flash mob uprisings that can happen you're at a