Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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especially if it's an escape-and-evasion type scenario or somebody is sneaking up
around the vehicle in back of the vehicle or if you're in a traffic jam or you're stopped.
Barricade somewhere you can look behind you get a better angle to see what is
happening beat behind you then if you have them into where you can actually see the
back of the vehicle at the same time. All right now prep no prep. Step number seven
moving into the interior of the vehicle again sticking with mirrors here is to add in a
panoramic rear view mirror. Now, this is one that you can really just clip onto your
mirror your current rearview mirror and what this is is a
What is a concave? I guess you would call it or convex? I think it's I think you'd call it
convex, but it gives you basically this better field of view because it's a curved mirror
you get a better field of view without having to look behind you or maybe even out to
the sides as much as well. So if it's an escape-and-evasion type scenario and I'm
driving away from somebody then I I don't necessarily want I want to know what's in
front of me. I want to know what obstacles are in front of me or where can I evade or
where can I switch?
Over to very quickly to be able to escape this the incident are the scenario that I'm in
so I don't want to be looking over my shoulders anymore that I have two or maybe
even off to the side mirrors. So if you have a panoramic rear view mirror, you might be
able to see a lot more outside of the left and right side of the vehicle as well as behind
you so it gives you a kind of emotion and it helps you focus your vision where you need
to be to be able to escape now in advanced version of this.
This would be to install an aftermarket rear view camera on your vehicle that is hooked
up to a different an external monitor. So most people are familiar with the backup
cameras. These are usually located around where the license plate is. There are ways
to I guess bypassed that but I don't like the lower field of view. It just kind of gives you
kind of a bumper to bumper it will give you a rear view view there but a an aftermarket
You can put in maybe even above where your the the the rear view window is. I'm
sorry. Yeah, like the rear window is and having that wired to a separate man monitor
that you could have on your dash is going to give the ability basically to be able to look
behind you as you're driving forward. So it gives you another field of view now. I don't
recommend that you have this for everyday driving. Again. This is an advanced thing if
you want to really James Bond your car.
You can have it there. It's going to be a distraction and you're like you don't necessarily
want to be looking behind you at the same time as you're looking in front of you need