Episode 344 – Survival Driving (Pt. 1 of 3): 10 "Prep Steps" Vs. A Riot
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Same thing so it will help protect you against stabbing shooting of the tires and even
driving over obstacles. If you do have to go off-road for some reason and you are in an
area where there's lots of debris there could be Nails around the area broken glass
anything that could perhaps puncture your tire. You definitely don't want to have a flat
tire in and around civil unrest all right prep step. Number two is to install 3M shatters
shielding film on your windows so you can be sure if your
Vehicle is stopped in any way or if you're even if you're driving slowly by or even if
you're trying to speed past people will pick up bricks rocks at their civil unrest in the
area. They're going to try and break out your windows, especially if you are stopped
they are going to break out your windows and try and pull maybe you and your family
out of the vehicle as well. Or of course, they're going to try and punch you stab you
whatever they can do there if they don't have a firearm there, so it's not going to shatter
proof your windows, but it will keep you.
Your windows from being shattered out on the sides there and you being able to pull
out now. This is something that you can get done at any sort of like detailing shop or
Auto security store where they install auto security like aftermarket auto security
systems. I would recommend having this done the right way. I would also recommend
getting it tinted as well just to be able to keep some privacy there. So you don't want
people looking in and being able to see what you have on the inside or how many
people are inside or
Color people are on the inside of it say if it's race-related protests that are going on. So
you just need to make sure that you're keeping privacy as much as possible. All right
prep step. Number three is happens really if you're choosing a vehicle or you can't get
these aftermarket, but they're you know, and that's to install or have a vehicle with a
sunroof. I recommend vehicles with a sunroof because one for escape purposes if you
are overturned if you are T boned this is just has to do even
with any sort of a vehicle wreck that you're in it gives you one more Escape Route that
you might be able to get out of and that that's going to help you there. If you are
surrounded by a mob. I'm not saying you necessarily want to crawl out of the sunroof
and hop around the zombies that are all around you but it does give you the ability to
open up the sunroof. If you have even just a crack and be able to fire outside of the
windows or throw something outside the windows. There's lots of things you might be
able to do to be able to get some space people are
From your vehicle if you're able to so it does give you one more thing. Also, if you do
have somebody else that's with you and it's an escape-and-evasion type scenario or