Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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- the lights that is the target car. So they do it you turn they go around and you have to
shoot at that car. No matter if there is it doesn't matter who's in the vehicle, but your job
is to shoot at the car in more extreme cases. It would be to literally kill them. I would
have to think that a lot of people are just be like to shoot in there. You know, it's just it's
deadly no matter what but the point is you've got to pull the trigger and so my guess is
there probably was a
And the guy didn't hear it or whatever because he he was you know just slammed on
the brakes but it just goes to show how dangerous it can really be out there on the road
and it doesn't have to be you living in a gang hi gang population area. It could be a
group of drunken idiots that are just out there harassing you on the road. It could be a
road rage incident where somebody is chasing you down because you cut them off. In
fact just recently there was a female passenger. She was they were
a young couple headed out for vacation. So she was with her husband who was driving
and he mistakenly cut somebody off on a highway didn't realize that he was coming on
an on-ramp there and cut the guy off and the guy pulled up along the passenger side
and shot and killed the woman in the passenger seat there. So these things can
happen just accidentally out there. You never know who that person is around you. It
could also be a situation like we're talking about in the last
Episodes which is where you might be targeted during times of civil unrest or where
their attentions due to protests that are going on wherever there's like a common
enemy or just people who are violent and there's just a mob mentality going on out
there again. That's the reason for this three-part podcast series because the trial of
Officer Derek Chauvin is underway right now for the death of George Floyd and from
what I'm seeing so far shogun's defense team has been out scouring the prosecution. I
think it's anyone's guess at this point of which way the
I could go but things haven't been so bad for officers Chauvin. So we'll see what
happens. Now if you remember George Floyd's death itself sparked a few months of
violent riots and you and I both know that if this trial ends up in an innocent verdict,
there's going to be a lot of unrest and I think it could very well be widespread. So even
if you don't live in the Minneapolis area where the trial is taking place protests riots
violent mobs and looting can really touch all corners of the country and you may catch
yourself in the crosshairs on
Affectedly. Why don't I don't want that to be unexpectedly. I want you to be prepared
should that happen as with all survival and tactical skills. There are things that you can
do to prepare with gear ahead of time, of course, but ultimately it's what's in your head
that you need to rely on to survive knowledge really is power and this podcast episode