Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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Go basically 40 no more than 45 miles an hour at a 45 degree angle. Okay, that's
going to help you get up to that curve. You don't want to hit it straight on there if you
don't have to.
All right. Also, when you know your vehicle's limits when it's compared with the other
vehicles limits that could mean that you can go where they can't so for example, if I'm
probably not going to take my vehicle along Powerline roadway. That's that's off-road.
If somebody has an F-150 behind me. I'm I'm most likely going to lose that battle there.
But again if I have Jeep or something like that and I've got only a car behind me is
And then I bet that's going to give me better options to go where they can't so kind of
assess the situation that way.
Okay tip number five is to you want to be smarter than your aggressors not faster
speed is not necessarily your friend. All you do is like watch one episode of cops or
one of those other like, you know caught on video shows where bad guys are running
away from police officers. All the cops have to do and in the cops again knowing what
the vehicle limitations are. They have specially equipped vehicles for ramming for
speeding like they have specially equipped vehicles, but the bad guys typically don't
and so all they have to call the cops have to
To is follow the idiot speeding off in front of them and just let them wrap their car
around a telephone pole. Hopefully, it's not like a person or something like that but
wrap their car around a telephone pole or eventually he's start seeing Sparks pouring
out from under the vehicle because they busted all the tires and they're now riding
away on the rims. So speed isn't necessarily your friend. Your speed is going to be
dictated by the environment obviously, but even on a highway your goal isn't
necessarily to outrun
An aggressive driver. So instead try to go no more than like 65 miles per hour because
that's what's going to allow you to make a calculated redirection under control and try
and Destroy and stay in front of the vehicle that is behind you. So if they're pursuing
you, you don't want them to pass you want to make sure that if they're turned the left
you turn left and stay in front of them, but you don't necessarily want to just floor it and
try and outrun them.
Okay. Alright tip number six is to use your mirrors though. This goes back to our first
episode where we talked about having an aftermarket panoramic mirror for your rear-view
mirror and adjusting your side mirrors out outward more than you normally would
you want to be able to scout for your Tactical options for redirection in front of you? So
that means that you don't necessarily want to be looking back behind you or looking for