Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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Times like like after the trial verdict happens or if there's a police shooting that's in the
news don't always assume that there's just an accident up ahead take a side road. If
you can assume that there might be something up there that is blocking in there could
be people going up through traffic and bang it on vehicles or looking for targets. So
trust your gut take fast decisive action people people have been following me for a
while have gotten used to that term because
is most people just kind of sit there like, oh, I'm sure I'm sure everything's going to be
fine. I'm sure the mob will let me through. I'm sure this I'm sure that know you need to
trust your gut and take fast decisive action every second counts when it when there's a
threat out there.
All right, if you can't back up and can't get around them and you are going to be around
this mob. One thing that I just did a video on this for YouTube and I talk about things
for bug-out bags and and escape and evasion kits is to be able to camo yourself to
gain passage. No one way I showed in this last video that I just did was that I have a
velcro cap a velcro patch cap, and I have a
Of different PVC pipe out patches that go on the front of them. I have a trump 2020
patch that goes on it and I have a black lives matter patch that goes on it it because
they're both velcro. I can interchange those. So if I see that there's a mob up in front of
me and they're flying antifa Flags or black lives matter or hands up. Don't shoot I break
out that hat. I put on the black lives matter patch and I tell them hey, I'm
I'm hurt or I've got somebody that's hurt here. I need to get through and get to the
hospital. Okay, they're going to recognize you obviously as somebody as them and
perhaps give you Passage through. So this is funny because I get I've gotten some
really negative comments. Not that many only a couple I think really on that video that I
did and they're like, I wouldn't waste a single penny on a black lives matter patch. I'm
not giving them a single penny. Okay? Well don't I don't care where you spend your
money. I have it because I care about my family in the back seat and
If I can use that patch to get through then I'm going to go ahead and use the patch if I
come up there and there's a whole bunch of pickup trucks with Confederate flags and
Trump signs on there. I'm going to put the Trump patch on say hey guys, let me on
through here. Got somebody hurt here my I'm hurt. I'm trying to get over to the hospital.
They recognize you as one of them and they let you through so care which side we are
in a political organization at worry life.com not care. Which side you're on.
But all I care about is your safety and your family's survival. So do what you will with
that. All right. And then also if you are attacked in your vehicle do not try to run through