Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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your blind spots. If you can use your mirrors, then that's going to give you the ability to
keep your head forward and be
Bill to see where your redirection options are where can you take those turns and that
brings us to tip number seven, which is the turn when they can't so action is always
going to be faster than reaction. If you're in front of them, then, you know, then they're
not going to know what you're going to do and you can make them react to you but
done the right way if you time things right for a strategic turn, they won't be able to
respond a time to follow you without having to either stop and back up or they might
have to just give up their Pursuit now.
You have a lot of different options here. So one is to let them get close behind you and
then take a quick last-second turn down a side street or in a different direction. I'm also
in an urban area. You might take a hard left in front of an oncoming car an intersection
or a U-turn that doesn't place you and The Uncommon cars in danger, but it would for
the vehicle behind you. All right, so you can time it just right where you can quickly go
down a street and like off to the left or do that you turn.
So if you're on the highway one of the things that you can do is do its kind of called the
four-lane exit. So if there's an exit coming up, I mean you got to let's say it's a four-lane
highway if you if you see there's an exit coming up that you might be able to take either
from the signs or you see one coming up go ahead and get into the far left lane and
stay in front of them and let them get close so that when it's time you can shoot across
all the lanes that you can barely make that off-ramp to take
The exit now, especially on a highway, they might not even be able to back up if there's
other traffic coming. They might not be able to get back to that that exit at all. But either
way that's going to give you the ability to quickly get off there at a moment's notice
where they can now I want to give a there's kind of a little bit of a warning here,
especially this kind of another Hollywood warning under extreme conditions where
you're really being chased. It's like an urban environment. Do not try and pray your way
through a red light.
You see this all the time where they just you know, their flooring it and there's a red
light coming up and the person that's being pursued the good guy just floors it and like
just magically makes it through a busy intersection just barely missing cars coming in
both directions member you got people coming from the left and from the right there
unless you can really see the cars on the left and right coming down that road and you
see that you have that spot there if there's a red light you do not want to try and pray.