Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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know what's going to happen. So as soon as you get that break you want to be able to
take it and use it, right? But don't stop don't stop traveling. It's different like somebody
might stand in front of you thinking that you're not going to you're not going to you're
not stupid enough to really run them over at full speed so they may stay right there and
they might not move.
Or if you're moving slowly people are not going to slowly get Crush. They're not going
to like lay down in front of you. Like I dare you to run over me. They're just going to
keep trying to push the vehicle, but you can go ahead and continue to do that. And
then you can speed up a little bit where you're not trying to run them over but they're
going to get a you don't want to stay the same the same speed as you start to speed
up. They're going to realize that eventually they're going to have to get out of the way
or get run over most likely they're going to climb on top of the vehicle.
Only fine by me jump up on top. As soon as I have room in front of me here. I'm going
to speed off and you're going to go flying off the back. Alright, so that's those are those
are some really driving into a mob is a really really big challenge there and that's
something that you really need to understand what not to do and what you can do and
then the final tip here is to actually test these things the right way. So here's what I
recommend. This is a fun little exercise that you can do which is to set your phone or
your watch.
Alarm for about two to three random times where you know that you're going to be in
your vehicle. So I'd be like once on your way to work once on your way back from work
dropping the kids off from school. Whatever it is set yourself set your watch or your
your phone to a couple different random times. And then when it goes off consider that
like you have to that's your fastest ice of action point now, I'm not saying to a four-lane
exit right now. I'm just saying like instantly look around at where you are quickly scan.
And then quickly decide what your plan of Oxford options what your plan of action
would be if you were somehow attacked in your vehicle at that moment. So this is my
challenge to you is to do this and I'd like to hear what you find out from your little
exercise. So if you would go ahead and leave a comment on the blog about any other
tactical evasion and Escape tricks that you know of inside of a vehicle. I'd love to hear
what you some of the tips that you have you can go and leave a comment.
On our blog where you see this podcast episode or you can go over to where your life
tips.com and you can leave them there if we end up using a tip that you have or if you
have a question you leave it there. Also, then we use it for an upcoming broadcast or
video. Then we will actually give you credit for it first of all, and then we'll also send you
a free. Thank you gift in the mail for your submission. All right. Okay. I look forward to