Episode 346 – Survival Driving (Pt. 3 of 3): Escape & Evasion Driving Tactics
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Hey there, what's up Warriors? It is Jeff from Warrior life.com and welcome to podcast
episode number 346. So in the last two episodes, I showed you how to transform any
vehicle into an escape-and-evasion Spy Mobile worthy of the great James Bond
himself. Now in this episode, I'm going to give you some Insider tips on how to drive
like oo7 so you can escape any of the evil villains that you may encounter out on the
road. Let's talk tactics.
Hey there, welcome back everybody. This is Jeff Anderson, executive director of
warrior life.com and welcome to the third and final segment of our three-part series on
escape and evasion driving now in prepping for this episode. I was reminded of a local
story that I heard when I was living in New Mexico is basically an armpit of New Mexico
that had a really high gang population there and there was this man he was a he was a
husband. He was a father and he was driving home from
Work one night. It was dark outside and in the air that we lived in its high desert area
and there aren't always a lot of cars on the road and there aren't a lot of street lights
outside of the downtown areas there. So the man saw a car coming toward him in the
opposite lane and they didn't have their headlights on so like most people would do
gave kind of that courtesy flash of the high beams just to say hey like your lights are off
and when he saw them pass he looked in his rearview mirror and he did see their lights
go on.
But he also saw them do a U-turn and they were speeding up behind him. Now. He
didn't really know what to do there. He basically they came up they pulled alongside.
And again, there's nobody out else out there, but he was able to see as they pulled up
the back window rolled down and a guns gun stuck out there. Now, he's slammed on
his brakes main people in our area knew that there were gangs out there and so he he
slammed on his brakes he
Know if there was a shot that went off or anything like that, but the car did just kind of
go off down the road. My guess is that there was probably a shot because what he
didn't know at the time is that one of the gang initiation, you know kind of the gateways
that they have for you to be initiated into the gang is to do exactly what happened
which is to drive like the gang will drive with their headlights off in a remote area and
then if somebody does