EPISODE 340 – 5 Survival Scenarios - 5 Survival Guns
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Hey, there Warriors. What's up? It is Jeff from Warriorlife.com and welcome to podcast
episode number three hundred forty. So today we just announced the winner of our
latest giveaway and this month it was one of my favorite survival rifles the Henry Arms
AR7 Survival Rifle. Now while the AR7 is one of my favorites. It's not the only weapon I
suggest when it comes to self reliance and self protection. In fact this week. I'm going
to share with you five different guns for
Different survival scenarios and don't worry about taking notes because we've done all
the heavy lifting for you with this weeks free show notes and our handy dandy one
page cheat sheet covering all the main points. All you have to do is go on over to
www.weiu.net podcast.com slash 340 and you can download it all absolutely free. And
now let's jump into the show tactical firearms training urban survival close-quarters
combat. Welcome to the show that helps you better prepare for anything.
Read you may face in your role as a protector and a patriot. This is the warrior Life
podcast. Alright, welcome back Warriors. This is Jeff Anderson, executive director of
warrior life.com and okay. I've got guns. I got lots of guns. And for the most part I'm a
fan of having multiple firearms for different scenarios when it comes to survival
because there are so many different scenarios that you could find yourself in, you
know, are you going to be surviving in?
Place in an urban area will the threat be robberies on the street or home invasion by
looters or are you going to be in a more longer term bug out evacuation somewhere
trying to maybe stay off the grid, maybe you're in the wilderness somewhere maybe
getting food is a bigger concern for you than bands of looters. So look a bullet is a
bullet and that same tiny round that can maybe bag a bird can still make it a very bad
day for a bad guy trying to come.
Through your home's window, but of course, it's always best to choose the right
weapon for the right job, right? Okay. So so let me share with you five different
scenarios that you could find yourself in depending upon where you live and how you
respond to a crisis and then let me give you my top pick for a firearm that would work
best for you under these conditions. Now before we get started, I want to point out a
couple of things here. So number one. What I'll be sharing with you is going to be my
number one pick only.