EPISODE 340 – 5 Survival Scenarios - 5 Survival Guns
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It is less expensive but mainly because of weight. So if I do have to go out on foot in a
bugging out scenario to a plan B retreat with a 22 I'm able to carry a lot more
ammunition with me than another higher caliber weapon whether that's like a 223 if
people are thinking about like an AR weapon or a 9 millimeter 22, I can carry a lot
more with me and when I get there, you know, I never know when I might have to
maybe hold up on my way to my plan bug out.
Treat and maybe I've got to stay in an area for a longer period of time maybe there are
more people out than what I anticipated. So I'm going to go for volume there and again
if I'm on foot and I've just got me and my bug out bag. I want to carry as much with me
as I can and a 22 is going to help me do that it also the 22 has a lower register. So if I
do have to fire my weapon, it's not going to attract as much attention as a higher
caliber weapon that is going to have a louder bang and could potentially bring more
people who would be looking to inspect.
That okay the third scenario that we have is more very remote off-grid like Wilderness
setting for longer term survival where you want to be really away from people. So your
threat here may not be people as much as it is starvation because you're not going to
have those resupply points that you're going to want to get to or grocery stores if they
get restocked at all, you are basically out there living on your own. So for this I do
recommend a 22 rifle and the
You know, one of the ones that I like is and the when we just gave out today is the
Henry Arms AR7 Survival Rifle. If you haven't seen this before it was a survival rifle
that was designed like for the military because it is compact like it the barrel screws off
of it and stores inside of the the buttstock of the of the weapon and it closes up it floats.
It's super lightweight inside of the the stock. It also has room in there for a couple of
A 10-round magazines. So you it's all encompassed in there. It's super lightweight. It's
plastic and with a with a metal metal Barrel. So it is it's really lightweight. So I love this
thing when it comes to a survival rifle. So one of the reasons why I recommend a 22
rifle is because smaller game is most likely going to be more plentiful in these areas.
So you have the options for being able to catch foul squirrels rabbits other small game
that's out there that could give
Some meat to add to your food stores. Also again 22 long rifle is pretty easy to come
by and large quantities and it is less expensive so you can stockpile a ton of it put it in
a little space for long-term easily carries with you whether you are bringing into your
vehicle and you're bugging out and you're you're you have it in an ATV or anything
you've got there. You can bring more with you. Also again, the 22 doesn't have as
louder register to it. So if someone is in the area that you are hunting