EPISODE 340 – 5 Survival Scenarios - 5 Survival Guns
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and other thrown weapons. And even if they armed are armed out there with other
Firearms if they're armed with pistols, you can keep them in a much safer distance.
It's because they're that pistol is going to be much less accurate as a firearm. Then
you're going to have with an AR weapon. Okay? All right. Well that wraps things up as
a reminder. You can go on over to www.waldorfdodge.com 3:42 download the cheat
sheet and everything all the resources here for this episode. And hey, don't be shy go
ahead and leave me a comment on our blog where you see this podcast over it where
your life podcast.com or you can go to the podcast section at Warrior life.com and I
want you to share
Are your own best picks for these same five survival scenarios? What do you carrying
in Your Arsenal for this? I look forward to seeing your choices in the comments. And
until then, this is Jeff Anderson from war life.com saying prepare train and survived. It
would listening to the warrior Life podcast. We hope you've enjoyed the show. You can
help us spread the mission of self-reliance and self protection when you rate US and
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website at www.weiu.net life.com. We'll see you next time. This has been the warrior
Life podcast prepare train survive.