EPISODE 340 – 5 Survival Scenarios - 5 Survival Guns
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and they do hear you take a shot. They are not as likely to be able to hear it. Well
enough to know what direction it came from that they could go and see hey maybe
somebody's got some food out here so that 22 there's less chance of them hearing it
and they're not gonna be able to be able to tell what direction it's coming from as easily
either now for the AR7 another reason that this thing works really well and it's
lightweight and compact is that if you do have to travel outside away from your retreat
for any any bit of distance and you are going to be bringing like your bug out bag with
Again, that lightweight is going to make it much easier for you to go longer distances
be able to carry more game back with you. You don't want to be weighed down with
like a large larger rifle and and larger bullets and things like that. So that's another
reason why I like the AR7 now I know a case could be made for a bolt-action high-power
rifle. I do have a Remington 700 it's chamber to 308, you know for bigger game.
You need a bigger bullet and longer range.
And so for deer or other large animal it is going to give you more meat for sure and you
are going to need something that is a higher caliber rifle like a 308 but it really all
depends on where you're going to be. So if you're in an area where deer and elk and
bear or whatever are more plentiful than I say have at it like that's going to work better
for you. If you get a deer that meat is going to last you much longer than going out
there every day and trying to get birds and ducks and turkey and squirrels and
Like that. I mean I have lived in areas where I lived in Texas there were so many deer
it was like living in a petting zoo, but I've also lived in areas where I mean, for example,
I grew up in Upstate New York where you think that there would be lots of deer and I
went every I went hunting with my my stepfather every single year and year after year.
Guess what we never saw one single deer not one not one. So it really depends upon
where you live, you know the area or you should know the area that you're going to
For me it's much. It's much easier to get things like squirrels Ducks other small animals
and add it to the food stores that I have. Okay. Alright the fourth scenario here is an
urban survival scenario where you're in and around a lot of other people. So the threat
here obviously is other people thieves even disgruntled trigger-happy townsfolk who
are fighting over resources. If you know we've seen even when it's not like a true
collapse or anything.
That people will fight at the gas station because somebody's hogging up all the gas.
They will fight at the grocery store because somebody took the last box of Froot Loops
these things can get very violent very quickly. And so you never know in these Urban