EPISODE 342 – 2 Real-Life Stories For Why You Need Extra Ammo
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than just personal frustrations. People have now grouped together for their own
causes - Antifa, Black Bloc, Redneck Revolt, Proud Boys, Boogaloo Boys, 3%'ers...
organizations are being formed on both the far LEFT and the far RIGHT of the political
spectrums - EACH side with their OWN interpretation of "justice" and "freedom".
Make no mistake folks -I feel like now more than ever, our division is a very real threat
that INCREASES our chances of facing "war like" scenarios - even for everyday
Now, ask any soldier... more attackers means a need for more ammo if you're stuck in
a "no escape" situation where it's you against several armed militants and you need to
shoot your way to safety.
So with that, I ask you to take another look at your commitment to carry a spare
magazine or speed loader as part of your everyday carry load out if you carry a
concealed firearm.
And now I'd love to hear from YOU...
What are YOUR thoughts on carrying extra ammo for concealed carry?
What have you found to be the best location to carry a spare magazine or speed
And what OTHER considerations have I not covered in this episode, or in my other
broadcast in Episode #231?
Go ahead and leave a comment where you'll find this episode on our site at
www.WarriorLifePodcast.com. I'd love to hear what you have to say and I'll link to both
the 231 cheatsheet as well as this one in the resources section.
And until our next WarriorLife podcast episode, this is Jeff Anderson saying, Prepare.
Train. Survive.