EPISODE 342 – 2 Real-Life Stories For Why You Need Extra Ammo
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What you'll see is that bystanders who witnessed the shooting by the police officer start
to gather with their phones and start harassing the officers - yelling at them for
shooting the man. The crowd gets bigger and bigger and things get physical - to the
point where the backup officers need to push the crowd back as they get more
aggressive, and also to try to locate the gun that the officer said he saw - because it
wasn't visible anywhere around the injured guy.
Now, keep in mind that these are OFFICERS involved in the shooting.
What if YOU were forced to shoot an attacker out of pure self-defense? What if
OTHER people from the scene or neighborhood come to investigate what happened?
What if you just shot someone who THEY see as not having done anything wrong -
again, maybe someone from their own neighborhood, or maybe there's simply a racial
difference and it's during a time of racial tension? What if there's no weapon
immediately visible and it looks like you just gunned down an unarmed person?
Will YOU be able to call for back-up against a an angry, aggressive crowd as they
show up in larger numbers?
I hate to say it, but you may need to get the hell out of there instead of waiting for the
police to show up - IF you or someone else had the ability to even call 911 before
things got out of hand - and you may even need to shoot your way to safety if you're
attacked or chased.
But I go back to the "tinfoil hat brigade" accusation about it being overkill to carry extra
ammo unless you're a cop or deployed to a war zone...
Let me ask you...
Do armed "checkpoints"... burning buildings... looting of stores... angry mobs targeting
other citizens they see as "the enemy"... sound like a war zone to you?
Well, I've BEEN in a war zone and I can tell you that it absolutely DOES.
Look, it's not new news to anyone that we're extremely divided as a country right now...
and I think you'll share my opinion that I DON'T see any cumbiaya moments happening
any time soon that will unite us as a nation.
As different ideologies collide, protests have happened more frequently... will
CONTINUE to happen ... will continue to become more violent. It's become bigger