EPISODE 342 – 2 Real-Life Stories For Why You Need Extra Ammo
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Hey there warriors, it's Jeff Anderson from WarriorLife.com and welcome to podcast
episode #342.
Ok, "Carry extra ammo!" Old advice, right?
You can pop into ANY online gun forum and see the question of "Should I carry a
spare magazine for my concealed carry gun (or speed loader if it's a revolver)" and
you're going to see the SAME answers in every single one of those forums.
Generally, it comes down to 3 camps - and TWO of these groups make up about 95%
of the concealed handgun carriers out there...
Those are the "Absolutely! I carry a spare mag all the time!" group... and the "You
absolutely SHOULD carry spare ammo... but I don't!" (with a VERY generous lean in
the "should but don't" group._
The other group - of 5% - thinks the OTHER 95% are all members of the tacticool tin
foil hat brigade, and I get it...
Most defense situations DON'T require more than a couple of bullets to end the attack.
Now, in Episode #231, I shared 8 reasons why you really SHOULD consider carrying a
spare mag or speed loader. If you want, you can check out that episode wherever you
listen to our podcast or on our website at WarriorLifePodcast.com - OR simply grab the
cheatsheet by going to www.WarriorLifePodcast.com/231 and download it for free.
But besides those 8, there are actually 2 relatively NEW news events I've seen that - in
my opinion - strengthen the need to go with the "more is better" option for ammunition
for concealed carry.
These are NEW THREATS that I think EVERY concealed weapon carrier needs to
take to heart and recommit to being better prepared when in public and carrying - and
they both kinda go AGAINST one of the common arguments that spare mag nay-sayers
use to laugh at those of us who DO carry extra ammo - and that's that you don't