EPISODE 341 – Survival Caching - Myths & Mistakes
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is going to happen the way that it does in the plan. So, of course you're going to your
stocking up on food, you're doing all these things and
and you're going to have them in a disaster and most likely you probably will not going
to say that you won't but the whole point of being prepared the whole point of having a
survival plan is knowing that the world doesn't care about your plans for a mother
nature doesn't care about your plans. Your neighbors don't care about your plans life
doesn't care about your plans and the best laid plans can all go to hell in a handbasket.
So you really have to think of kind of this survival cash as like an inch.
Terrence policy. So if you're stockpiled goods and your gear they if they suddenly went
poof and they were all gone. That's what a survival cash is really for but it still begs the
question then why would you consider doing something? So insane as the berry or
hide your stuff right? Well that brings me to myth number two, which is what a lot of
people think of was. I don't need a cash. No one's going to come in and take my stuff
now. I will admit that the
Topic alone is a more advanced level of preparedness. So I get it right hardly anyone
but the more serious survivalist actually have one or have even considered one. So let
me give you some practical reasons practical reasons here why I think you really
should consider taking this topic seriously. So first of all, I narrow caching down to
three primary purposes of having them. So number one is our caches that are meant to
help you get to safety.
So for that, I mean like things like fuel oil from a more advanced level in that like
escape and evasion. If you're looking to get like get get to safety from from that reason
number two our caches that are meant to keep you safe. So we're talking basic
supplies that if again, if you lost all of your supplies, you would have something there
as a backup to that kind of your insurance policy and then three our caches that are
meant to
Stuff that you don't want either found stolen confiscated things like like guns money
jewelry, etc. Etc. Okay. So let me give you some real world practical scenarios where
these could literally mean the difference between life or death for you. Now first. I'm
going to assume that you've already considered like a plan B Bug out location for you
and your family that you could travel to if you're ever forced to leave your home and
you have to find a safe place to go to that should be something that you already plan
out should
already know what that destination is and already know how you're going to get there.
So if you haven't considered this or if you don't have this planned out, I want you to