EPISODE 341 – Survival Caching - Myths & Mistakes
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No survival caching is not just for doomsday preppers. Let's talk tactics.
Hey there, what's up Warriors? It is Jeff Anderson from Warrior life.com and welcome
to podcast episode number 341. So I'm going to be talking about a topic that a lot of
you have probably never even considered a part of your survival Plan before and that's
probably either because it was either too out there for you for practical purposes, or
maybe you just thought it was too difficult a task to take on. Well, I'm talking about
caching which is basically like like super hiding of your goods your gear.
Any of the items that you want to keep away from prying eyes looters or even
confiscation by authorities. So I'm here to tell you that this really is a powerful and
important aspect of keeping you and your family safe and secure during a major crisis.
So today what I want to do was share with you the three biggest myths that may have
kept you from adding this to your survival plan so that you can take action and get
started at whatever level that you feel comfortable with. Alright, so myth.
Over one I just have to say it. We're going to start off right away with caches or just for
doomsday preppers. So look, I know that Hollywood has really treated this topic like it
was some tinfoil hat conspiracy fantasy when I say cashing the most people they
probably have this picture in your mind of like some scruffy like Vietnam veteran living
off in the woods somewhere paranoid that the Pentagon overlords are going to come
and recruit them back to his Black Ops assassination Squad.
So he spends the entire movie like kind of avoiding them with a network of these
underground tunnels and pulling up these survival caches The Secret stashes of like
buried Bazookas and like old sea rations that he's been living off of for 40 some years.
I get it that like survival caching kind of has that sort of fantasy type kind of persona
around a but that really is kind of more from Hollywood there. I can tell you that from a
reality standpoint. Nothing could be further from
Truth from that Vision this really isn't that complicated folks. The main reason for
having a survival cache is to not have all of your eggs in one basket where you only
have one like perfect plan to rely on in a crisis and I see this all the time people put
together a quote-unquote survival plan with the assumption that pretty much everything